1. 不要打911,除非你有紧急情况.
  2. 不要给迈克·斯蒂克尼打电话. He will be very busy and cannot answer phone calls.
  3. Keep calm and stay where you are until the shaking stops.
  4. 躲在沉重的书桌或桌子下面. It can provide you with air space if the building collapses. If you get under a table and it moves, try to move with it. Inner walls or door frames are the least likely to collapse and may also shield against falling objects. If other cover is not available, go to an inner corner or doorway, away from windows or glass panels.
  5. Stay away from glass and hanging objects, and bookcases, or other large furniture that could fall. 注意坠落物体, 比如壁炉和烟囱里的砖, 灯具, 墙绞刑, 高货架上, 还有门可以打开的橱柜.
  6. Grab something to shield your head and face from falling debris and broken glass.
  7. If the lights go out, use a battery-operated flashlight. Don't use candles, matches, or lighters during or after the earthquake. If there is a gas leak, an explosion could result.
  8. If you are in a kitchen, quickly turn off the stove and take cover at the first sign of shaking.
  9. If outdoors, move away from buildings and utility wires. The greatest danger from falling debris is just outside doorways and close to outer walls. Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops.
  10. 如果你在一辆行驶中的汽车里, stop as quickly and safely as possible and move over to the shoulder or curb, 远离电线杆, 架空电线, 以及地下或立交桥. 待在车里, 设置驻车刹车, and turn on the radio for emergency broadcast information. A car may jiggle violently on its springs, but it is a good place to stay until the shaking stops. 如果你有生命危险, you may be able to reach someone with either a cellular or an emergency roadside assistance phone.
  11. 为震后的冲击和震动做好准备.
  12. Determine the magnitude of the damage to persons and property.
    • Complete a quick check, look for structural damage.
    • 查看/闻闻煤气泄漏.
    • 确定受伤的数量和类型.
  13. Open the Emergency 住房 Center if TIP #12 seems to be critical. 不要对地震反应过度. The Emergency 住房 Center should be opened only when it seems there is imminent danger to building and lives.
  14. 关掉煤气总管. 不要点蜡烛或火.
  15. Assure sewer lines are intact before using sanitary facilities.
  16. 穿露趾鞋,带手电筒.
  17. 远离电线、树木和窗户.
  18. Do not re-enter building or allow others to enter. Wait for structural engineers to determine integrity of building (if building seems critically damaged).
  19. 如果没有火灾,不要拉响火警警报器. This creates a secondary diversion to the problem at hand.
  20. Search in pairs for individuals if Operations are begun.
  21. Make sure to look under desks and beds when searching for victims.
  22. 检查水和锅炉系统. 水可能受到污染.